CUSIB Applauds Annette Lantos’ Plea to Save Voice of America Services

April 11, 2012 CUSIB Applauds Annette Lantos’ Plea to Save Voice of America (VOA) Services The Committee for U.S. International Broadcasting (CUSIB) is honored to learn that Annette Lantos, the wife of the late Congressman Tom Lantos, has joined efforts to oppose the Broadcasting Board of Governors’ (BBG) proposals to cut Voice of America (VOA) services. Mrs. Lantos’s April 4, 2012 letter to the […]

CUSIB's Tala Dowlatshahi on American perceptions of Iranians

The Committee for U.S. International Broadcasting (CUSIB) Advisory Board member Tala Dowlatshahi shared her views of American perceptions of Iranians in an Reporters Uncensored/Huffington Post article “Iranian Sunset.” I have been living in neutral Switzerland for a few months now. I must say I am fairly pleased that I am far away from the current […]

CUSIB Joins Efforts to Free Gao Zhisheng

  March 12, 2011 For Immediate Release CUSIB Joins Efforts to Free Gao Zhisheng On Sunday, March 11, 2011 the Committee for U.S. International Broadcasting (CUSIB) Executive Director Ann Noonan attended the “Global Mission to Free Gao Zhisheng” sponsored by Chinese dissident Tang Baiqiao held at the Democracy University Chamber in Flushing, New York. This […]

Open Letter to Members of House Appropriations Committee on Silencing of America's Overseas Broadcasts

The independent, nongovernmental Committee for U.S. International Broadcasting (CUSIB) has released an Open Letter to Members of House Appropriations Committee on silencing of America’s broadcasts to Tibet, China, Chechnya and other nations without free media. Most of these cuts and reductions ordered by the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG) affect the Voice of America (VOA) […]

CUSIB Submits Open Letter to House Appropriations Committee in Defense of Broadcasting to Tibet and China

March 7, 2012 CUSIB Submits Open Letter to House Appropriations Committee in Defense of Broadcasting to Tibet and China The Committee for U.S. International Broadcasting has submitted an open letter to the United States Congress House Appropriations Committee requesting strong support to restore funding in the FY2013 Budget for Voice of America (VOA) radio and […]

BBG Ready to Drop the Ax on Cantonese and Tibetan Services

This article by CUSIB Executive Director Ann Noonan was published in National Review: BBG Ready to Drop the Ax on Cantonese and Tibetan Services By Ann Noonan March 5, 2012 In December 2011, the Broadcasting Board of Governors issued a proclamation in observance of Voice of America’s 70th anniversary of Mandarin and Cantonese Services, boasting: “Mandarin […]

Human rights groups appeal to Congress to save broadcasts to China, Tibet and other nations without free media

Open Letter to Members of House Appropriations Committee Dear Members of Congress: This letter is to request your strong support to restore the funding in the FY2013 Budget for Voice of America (VOA) radio and television broadcasting to China and Tibet. We adamantly object to the proposal by the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG), which […]

CUSIB Opposes BBG's FY2013 Budget Proposal

February 17, 2012 For Immediate Release Committee for U.S. International Broadcasting Opposes Broadcasting Board of Governors’ Budget Proposal for FY2013 The Committee for U.S. International Broadcasting (CUSIB) has issued the following statement after a careful review of the Broadcasting Board of Governors’ 161-page Budget Proposal for FY2013: “The Committee for U.S. International Broadcasting is outraged […]

CUSIB Congratulates Michael Lynton on Appointment as Interim Presiding Governor

February 12, 2012 For Immediate Release   CUSIB Congratulates Michael Lynton on Appointment as Interim Presiding Governor The Committee for U.S. International Broadcasting (CUSIB) has released the following statement in response to the recent announcement that Michael Lynton will serve as the Interim Presiding Governor of the Broadcasting Board of Governors: The Committee for U.S. […]