The Committee for U.S. International Broadcasting (CUSIB) is pleased to welcome Herbert W. Stupp as a new Advisory Board member with a highly distinguished record of public service. Herbert W. Stupp’s career spans senior executive appointments in the Federal and City of New York governments, non-profit leadership, education, television journalism, and legislative and media relations. […]
Publisher and writer Appo Jabarian joins the Committee for U.S. International Broadcasting
The Committee for U.S. International Broadcasting (CUSIB) is pleased to have as a new Advisory Board member publisher and writer Appo Jabarian. Appo Jabarian is Executive Publisher and Senior Editor of USA Armenian Life Magazine. He is also President of HYE Media Group and Calencorp Calendar Company of Glendale, California. A grassroots political activist for more […]
Former Voice of America broadcaster Marie Ciliberti joins CUSIB
The Committee for U.S. International Broadcasting (CUSIB) is pleased to announce that former Voice of America broadcaster Marie Ciliberti has agreed to join the Committee and its Advisory Board. Marie Ciliberti was a VOA writer, producer and broadcaster for programs directed to the former Soviet Union. Among her many achievements was her close collaboration with […]
Timothy Shamble, president of the American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) Local 1812, accepted invitation to join CUSIB
The Committee for U.S. International Broadcasting (CUSIB) is pleased to announce that Timothy Shamble, president of the American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) Local 1812, which represents the BBG workforce, has agreed to join CUSIB as a member of its Advisory Board. Mr. Shamble brings with him enormous knowledge of the issues and concerns facing […]
The Committee for U.S. International Broadcasting welcomes Gary Marco as new Advisory Board member
The Committee for U.S. International Broadcasting (CUSIB) welcomes a new member of its Advisory Board with vast experience in Federal sector employee and personnel issues. Gary Marco is a retired employee of the Voice of America. For 25 years, he was president of Local 1418, American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees which represents […]
NGOs defend media freedom against Kim Jong-Il's regime — Free Media Online
Reporters Without Borders (RSF), an international media freedom NGO, visited the South Korean capital of Seoul in July to evaluate the level of media freedom and freedom of information in North Korea and published the results of this fact-finding visit, Free Media Online ( reported. Entitled “North Korea: Frontiers of censorship,” it looks at the […]
Congressional Hearing on Detention of Legal Advocate Chen Guangcheng
Representative Christopher Smith, Chairman and Senator Sherrod Brown, Cochairman of the Congressional-Executive Commission on China announce a hearing on “Examination into the Abuse and Extralegal Detention of Legal Advocate Chen Guangcheng and His Family” Tuesday, November 1, 2011 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. 2118 Rayburn House Office Building The plight of Chen Guangcheng and his […]
BBG Watch compares coverage of North Korea by Voice of America and MSNBC
Two news reports from North Korea, two vastly different accounts. One of the reports, North Korea Kicks Open Press Doors for Taekwon-Do Championship, was produced by the Voice of America (VOA) and paid for by American taxpayers. The agency in charge of VOA — the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG) — promoted the report in […]
October 13 BBG open meeting to consider strategic recommendations
The BBG has published a notice under the Sunshine Act about its next open meeting on October 13 in Washington D.C., BBG Watch reported. The notice states that the BBG will receive and consider recommendations regarding the conclusion of the year-long strategic review and the BBG committee membership. BBG Watch points out that it will […]
BBG Watch criticizes press release and VOA video describing Pyongyang as a vibrant city
BBG Watch, an independent website run by former and current Broadcasting Board of Governors employees, wonders who signed off on the press release on the BBG official website,, quoting Voice of America journalist Sungwon Baik, who just completed a rare reporting assignment to North Korea, as saying that the country’s capital city Pyongyang is […]