The Committee for U.S. International Broadcasting (CUSIB) welcomes a new member of its Advisory Board: journalist and human rights activist Jing Zhang, president of Women’s Rights in China. She is the author of a powerful personal testimony, “VOA Cannot Retreat from China,” on the importance of continuing Voice of America radio and television broadcasts. Ms. […]
The Committee for U.S. International Broadcasting Advisory Board member Robert A. Senser
Robert A. Senser, The Committee for U.S. International Broadcasting (CUSIB) Advisory Board Robert A. Senser is a former labor counselor in the U.S. Foreign Service, with tours in Vietnam, Belgium, Germany, and Algeria, as well as at the State Department in Washington, DC. He is the author of “Justice at Work: Globalization and the Human […]
Committee for U.S. International Broadcasting
Human rights and media organizations are in the process of forming the Committee for U.S. International Broadcasting (CUSIB) to support free flow of uncensored news from the United States to countries with restricted and developing media environments. We will soon have additional announcements about CUSIB.
Senate Committee to BBG: Hands off China Broadcasting — Dr. Helle Dale, Heritage Foundation
Dr. Helle Dale of the Heritage Foundation, who keeps a close eye on the Broadcasting Board of Governors and U.S. international broadcasting, noted in the foundation’s blog that the Senate Committee on Appropriations put a break this week on the BBG’s plans to end Voice of America radio and television broadcasts to China, BBG Watch […]
Don’t junk critical leverage over Beijing — John Lenczowski on VOA in China
Silencing VOA programming would end U.S. support for China’s freedom, BBG Watch reported quoting from John Lenczowski’s recent newspaper commentary on U.S. international broadcasting. John Lenczowski, who as President Reagan’s Soviet affairs adviser was instrumental in increasing funding for Voice of America and Radio Free Europe broadcasts to Poland during Solidarity’s struggle for democracy, wrote […]
Senate Committee on Appropriations tells BBG: VOA radio and TV to China must continue
Reposted from the BBG Watch website. The Senate Committee on Appropriations has rejected the Broadcasting Board of Governors’ (BBG) proposal to end Voice of America (VOA) radio and TV broadcasts to China and criticized the BBG for the lack of transparency. The committee recommended $740,039,000 for U.S. international broadcasting operations, for the operating and engineering […]
Why Would U.S. Taxpayers Publish a Celebration of the 9/11 Attack? — Michael Rubin in Commentary
Now, as the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks nears, it may be time for Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL) to consider its mission and how it achieves it, wrote Michael Rubin in Commentary magazine post Why Would U.S. Taxpayers Publish a Celebration of the 9/11 Attack? Read BBG Watch commentary.
Former Chinese political prisoner says VOA must not retreat from China
VOA Cannot Retreat from China by Jing Zhang President Women’s Rights in China Reposted from the BBG Watch website. I remember an afternoon forty years ago. My father furiously slapped my uncle. The argument was behind closed doors and hushed. I couldn’t make out the reason. Later my sister told me that uncle listened to […]
Fox News reports on Congressional efforts to save VOA radio and TV to China
Fox News reported — Lawmakers Scramble to Keep Voice of America On Air in China — that Congressional lawmakers are scrambling to prevent America’s international media arm from going off-air in China, arguing that a plan to shift much of its reporting to the Internet won’t do much good in a country notorious for its […]
Cuts in VOA to China will stifle young people's struggle for religious freedom and democracy
CUSIB Executive Director Ann Noonan, President of the New York Chapter of the Visual Artists Guild, spoke Saturday on behalf of Free Church for China at the New York City June 4th Tiananmen Square Commemoration, which was held at the UN’s Dag Hammarskjold Park. Here is the text of Ann Noonan’s remarks, in which she […]